Our machine

Bear-Cut from Bear-Machines

Bear-Cut Fast&Easy

The machine for regrooving commercial vehicle tyres

Profile moulds

With Bear-Cut it is possible to cut all common commercial vehicle tyre sizes and profile shapes such as straight, wave or zigzag profiles and also cross grooves.

Tyre pressure

Operator safety is also a priority, which is why, for example, no tyre can be regrooved if its tyre pressure is above 2.5 bar.


With set-up times of less than 2 minutes, the quick and easy setting of the various cutting depths, the free input option of a wide range of cutting patterns, as well as the simple operation, we are "FAST & EASY".


The Bear-Cut fits into a van and can be used very flexibly and quickly at all locations with the integrated forklift receptacles. All that is needed is compressed air at 6 bar and a 230 V power connection.

Special blades

With our special blades developed especially for the Bear-Cut, we can also produce all common profile shapes with a cutting depth of up to 15 mm and guarantee long blade life. The tire manufacturer's regrooving instructions must of course always be observed.

Cutting results

Once connected, you can achieve repeatable cutting results in under 40 seconds per groove with Bear-Cut. 


Many raw materials on earth are limited. That is why it is and will become increasingly important to deal with them responsibly. With Bear-Cut, we try to reduce the mountain of 600,000 tonnes of used tyres per year in Germany and also worldwide!

positive CO2 BILANZ

Regrooving a tyre and extending its life by at least 25% means that fewer new tyres are bought and old tyres that are still good can continue to be used. In addition, a regrooved tyre consumes less fuel, which has a positive effect on the CO₂ balance and on the wallet.

Are you interested in buying a Bear-Cut? Convince yourself on site and make an appointment with us (after a short instruction you can cut your tyre yourself).

Bear-Cut is a semi-automatic machine for quickly and easily regrooving commercial vehicle tyres with the regroovable label. Until now, tyres have been laboriously regrooved by hand, if they are regrooved at all.


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Let us now calculate how much you can save on your commercial vehicle tyres with Bear-Cut